Former Team Members

The Targeted Violence Research Team currently has a 100% match success rate to APA-accredited internship sites. Following graduation, past graduate students from the Targeted Violence Research Team have received gainful employment within local, state, and federal agencies across the United States. Graduates from the team are currently serving in positions within correctional institutions, the judicial system, federal law enforcement (e.g., FBI), psychiatric hospitals, research centers, and independent practice.


Internship Site

Internship Site Location

Year of Completion

Dissertation Title

Patrick McGonigal*

Patton State Hospital (Forensic Track)

Patton, CA


Identity-driven targeted violence: Attending to identity, emotion, and personality-related predictors of attitudinal and behavioral prejudice

Maddie Eyer*

Office of Forensic Mental Health Services (OFMHS)

Tacoma, WA


Harrasment, stalking, and violence on campus: An examination of persistent cases

Elisha Chan

Oregon State Hospital

Salem, OR


Risk factors for online and in-person stalking, intrusive harassment, and violence within a community sample

Kyle Siddoway

Oregon State Hospital

Salem, OR


Targeted violence on campus: A comparison of exposure and response to bias and otherwise motivated potential pre-incident behavior on a college campus

Jessie Semmann

Phoenix VA Health Care System

Phoenix, AZ


Targeted violence in schools: Warning behaviors of physical violence and other concerning behaviors in a public-school system

Elizabeth Low

University of North Carolina School of Medicine (Forensic track)

Chapel Hill, NC


Risk factors for co-occurring violent and suicidal behaviors among psychiatric inpatients

Rosa Viñas-Racionero

Atascadero State Hospital

Atascadero, CA


A multifactorial model of threat assessment activity applied to educational settings

Heath Hodges*

US Medical Center for Federal Prisoners

Springfield, MO


Weapon-Involved Violence and Mental Ilness: An Empirical Examination of the Policy Assumptions for Firearm and Other Dangerous Weapon Prohibitions

Brandon Hollister

Mendota Mental Health Institute

Madison, WI


Pre-Incident Behavior in a Collegiate Student Sample

Sarah Hoff*

Patton State Hospital

Patton, CA


Self-protective behaviors and campus threat assessment

Charles Darrow

US Medical Center for Federal Prisoners

Springfield, MO


Targeted Threats: An examination of thematic content and approach behavior displayed by mentally ill and non-mentally ill contactors

Larry Golba

VA Central Iowa

Des Moines, IA


Decision making processes of informant handlers

Allissa Marquez*

Federal Correctional Complex

Butner, NC


Emotional, social, & cognitive correlates of stalking and intrusive harassment

Michelle Giresi

Western State Hospital

Tacoma, WA


Mental health and needs assessment in juvenile justice: The use of the YLS/CMI and MAYSI-2 with a diversion sample

Douglas Cacialli

US Medical Center for Federal Prisoners

Springfield, MO


Predicting problematic approach towards politicians: Exploring the potential contributions of control theory

Veronica Chavez

West Virginia University School of Medicine

Morgantown, WV


Is everyone rated equal? An examination of factors related to sexual risk in ethnically diverse male adolescents who have sexually offended

Valerie Gonsalves*

Mendota Mental Health Institute

Madison, WI


Exploring online sexually explicit material: What is the relationship to sexual coercion?

Julia McLawsen

Western State Hospital

Tacoma, WA


Factors associated with the civil commitment of sex offenders: A comparison between four states

Katherine Schoeneman

VA Portland

Portland, OR


Targeted violence toward political figures: Identifying violence risk factors through thematic content analysis

Grace Chang

West Virginia University School of Medicine

Morgantown, WV


Effectiveness of content analysis in assessing suspect credibility: Counterterrorism implications

Shannon Bader

Patton State Hospital

Patton, CA


Antisocial thinking as a dynamic risk factor in rapists and child molesters

Stephanie Bruhn

Munroe-Meyer Institute

Omaha, NE


To change or not to change: An examination of factors related to willingness to change in sex offenders

Richard Soto

Wilford Hall Medical Center/Lackland Air Force Base

San Antonio, TX


Criminogenic personality and behavioral characteristics in substance abusers: An examination of the lifestyle model of substance abuse

Russell Palarea

St. Elizabeth's Hospital (Forensic unit)

Washington, DC


Stalking as a risk factor for domestic violence

Jerome Baumgartner*

N/A - Psychology and Law PhD



Protective security cases: An examination of characteristics related to multiple approach contact behavior towards the U.S. Congress

Christmas Covell

Western State Hospital

Tacoma, WA


Empathic deficits in sexual offenders: An integration of affective, social and cognitive constructs

Mary Hatch-Maillette

VA Puget Sound

Seattle, WA


Perception of workplace violence in psychiatric settings: Does gender play a role?

William Reay

N/A - Psychology and Law PhD



The relationship between restrictiveness of care and behavioral impairment

David Washington*

Harvard Medical School/Massachusetts General Hospital

Cambridge, MA


Non-fatal workplace violence: Epidemiology, risk factors, and legal implications

*Indicates a student who completed the joint MLS/PhD program with the Nebraska College of Law